Biden’s proposed $90B Education Department budget features tuition-free community college


President Joe Biden laid out his budget blueprint for fiscal 2024 on Thursday, a plan that would infuse the U.S. Department of Education with $90 billion in discretionary spending and fund tuition-free community college nationwide, one of his central campaign pledges.

While the budget proposal has virtually no chance of passing Congress as drafted, it signals the White House’s priorities on postsecondary education and beyond. 

To that end, the spending plan features a pathway to double the maximum federal Pell Grant by 2029, a policy move college access organizations have demanded for years and the Biden administration has supported. The budget would boost the 2024-2025 maximum Pell award to $8,215. The current maximum is $7,395.

Further, the spending package would send $2.7 billion to the Office of Federal Student Aid, $620 million more than in fiscal 2023. This represents key financing as the administration reworks elements of the beleaguered student loan system and prepares to end a pandemic-era freeze on repayments.

Overall, the Education Department would receive $10.8 billion more in discretionary spending than in fiscal 2023, a more than 13% increase.

“An excellent education for every child is within our reach, if we come together to raise the bar,” Education Secretary Miguel Cardona said in a phone call with reporters Thursday. 

Perhaps the most notable investment on the postsecondary education side is the tuition-free community college proposal, which Cardona expressed excitement over Thursday.

Cardona called on Congress to enact it with states’ help, reinforcing Biden’s goal of starting federal-state partnership that would fund tuition-free community college. That would start with a roughly $500 million investment in a new discretionary grant program to provide two years of tuition-free community college to students enrolled in programs that lead to a four-year degree or “good-paying job.”

Tuition-free community college was strikingly absent from Biden’s budget proposal last year, after the president and Democratic lawmakers had pushed it heavily in a 2021 social spending package. 

That year, Biden requested $109 billion from Congress to get the program off the ground. However, lawmakers wrote off the initiative, which would have also made two years of a degree or credential at a community college free, including for immigrants without permanent legal status. Momentum to fund free community college has since shifted more to the state level, including in places like Vermont and Michigan.

More financial assistance

The Biden administration incorporated other aid measures into the 2024 proposal, too. 

The president’s budget would bolster federal programs like TRIO and Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs, or GEAR UP, which are both designed to shepard more low-income and historically disadvantaged students into college. TRIO would receive about $107 million more than in fiscal 2023, while GEAR UP would get about $20 million more.

And the package would provide two years of subsidized tuition to students from families earning less than $125,000 who are enrolled in a four-year historically Black institution, a tribally controlled college or other minority-serving institution, or MSIs.

Biden has proposed sending more money directly to HBCUs and similar institutions as well — $429 million more than last year for institutional capacity. Some $350 million of that would be devoted to four-year HBCUs and other MSIs to expand research and development infrastructure. 

New initiatives include $150 million in grants for colleges to address mental health concerns on their campuses and $30 million to develop a holistic assistance program that looks beyond students’ finances to help them with problems like lack of food or housing.

Praise and criticism

The National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators applauded the budget plan. NASFAA President and CEO Justin Draeger in particular praised the administration for the proposed investments in the Federal Student Aid office. 

Policy experts have fretted about the FSA office’s finances, especially as it attempts to construct a simplified Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA. The Education Department has already delayed changes to the form, much to the chagrin of advocates.

At the same time, the office will be charged with putting into action some of the Biden administration’s expected regulatory shifts, like a revised model of an income-driven loan repayment plan.


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