How can the Education Department build a list of low-value college programs?
[ad_1] In January, the U.S. Department of Education asked for feedback on a plan to publish a list of college programs with low financial value to students and solicited opinions on what factors the agency should consider when constructing the ranking. The announcement mimics an earlier idea from the Obama administration, which crafted a plan […]
Renewables industry should engage community colleges to address labor shortage, development official says
[ad_1] Listen to the article 4 min This audio is auto-generated. Please let us know if you have feedback. The clean energy industry is booming, but the labor supply remains low. Partnering with community colleges to offer pathways to employment could help the industry meet its increasing demand for workers, said a workforce development official […]
Interim leadership is overlooked. Here are 4 tips on doing it effectively.
[ad_1] Amy Kristof-Brown is professor of management and entrepreneurship and dean of the University of Iowa’s Tippie College of Business. Interim leadership is a curious thing. You’re a leader, but that stewardship comes with a lot of strings attached that limit what you can do. You have authority, but only in certain circumstances. You provide […]